Profoundly unintelligent electricity grids deliver power down streets of unsightly utility poles and their sagging, exposed electric lines to homes with little or no thermal insulation. 极其缺乏智能的电网把电力输送到街边难看的电线杆上,连接住宅的电线松松垮垮,暴露在外,很少或根本没有进行绝热处理。
In fact, if they power down, they must change to vehicle mode first. 实际上,如果它们关闭,它们必须先切换到汽车模式。
To illustrate the advantages of using the design pattern, imagine that after a while, these robots have discovered that they shouldn't power down while being in robot mode. 为了演示使用设计模式的优点,假定不久以后,这些机器人发现它们不应在处于机器人模式时关闭。
You can also power down entire servers that are not needed. 还可以对不需要的服务器停止供电。
Raj: You could power down. 拉杰:你可以关掉自己的电源。
If you [ have] fewer people, your bargaining power goes down. 人少了,你的谈判筹码就少了。
Besides, this way I can power down the satellite. 另外,这样我也可以先关掉卫星。
I need this back before they power down. 电源关闭前要获得这个值。
The real trick for the industry, however, is to get the cost of ASCI Purple sized-computing power down from$ 290 million to about$ 1,000. 然而,对于计算机行业来说,真正的目标是将具有“ASCI紫”计算能力计算机的价格,从2.9亿美元降到大约1千美元。
The interlocking and protection system should have measures that prevent power break down and wrong resume operation. 联锁、保护系统应有防止电源中断或恢复时出现误动作的措施。
Sheldon: Not to mention you'd have to power down on Saturdays. 更别说每周六你们还得断电(犹太人周末不工作为安息日)。
Go ahead and shut down your machine and power it down. 向下继续,关闭机器并且切断电源。
Support power down command and Auto Stand-by/ Sleep. 支持电源掉电指令和自动进入标准待机态。
The AD7781 also has a power-down mode that allows the user to switch off the power to the bridge sensor and power down the AD7781 when not converting, thus increasing the battery life of the product. 该器件还提供省电模式,不执行转换时,用户可以切断对桥式传感器的供电,并使该器件进入省电模式,从而延长产品的电池使用时间。
Must have happened when the power shut down. 一定是在停电的时候发生的。
A crippling ice storm has coated much of the Midwest, leaving road to mess and power lines down. 一场破坏力强的暴风雪给美国中西部披上了一层厚厚的银装,致使公路污秽,输电线路出故障。
Built in power down modes makes power saving easily realizable. 内置的掉电模式更能实现低功耗运作。
Marine structures power down and stop working when power node is destroyed, and come back online when repaired. 功率下降海洋结构动力和停止工作节点是毁灭,在线修复后回来。
The Electricity Board have been dallying with, the idea of building a power station down here. 对于在这儿建立一个电站的问题,电气学会并没认真考虑。
Power down circuitry is also provided to meet the low power needs of battery operated portable equipment. 同时配有省电电路,以满足采用电池供电的便携式设备的低功耗需求。
The paper presents hardware designed circuit of the motor synthetical defender controled by single chip microcomputer, and its work principle, power down protection circuit, real_time control circuit, software design. 阐述了用单片机控制的电机综合保护器的硬件设计电路,工作原理,掉电保护电路,实时监控电路及软件设计。
The fourth part of the paper puts emphasis upon particular scheme for Car Tire Pressure Inspecting and Monitoring system. It includes the design of hardware, software and power down mode. 在前面的基础上,论文第四章重点地阐述了汽车轮胎压力检测及监控系统的具体实现方案,包括硬件设计、软件设计以及低功耗设计。
In order to improve the quality of instrument and enhance data reliability, a NOVRAM is used to perform a store operation automatically during power down. 为了提高仪器或装置的质量和增强传输数据的可靠性,仪器通常采用非易失性存储器芯片,以便在掉电时自动地完成数据保护操作。
Under this background, Shanxi breaks down the traditional situation, in which imperial power can be handed bottom down to county regime, and realized the historical reform of rural regime by handing country power down to village regime. 在这种背景下,山西乡村政权建设打破了传统的王权止于县政的局面,把国家政权下移到村一级,实现了乡村政权的历史性变革。
Analysing Our Electric Network's Safety from the US/ Canada Power Down Event 从美、加停电事故看我国电力系统安全
The Protection of Key Data in Instrument During Power Down system protection 仪器在掉电时重要数据的保护方法
This is a process that we analyse a switch malfunction which caused by power down suddenly and debug it. 针对一次突然掉电引起的交换机故障进行分析和故障排除的过程。
Abnormal abrasion, power down and economic performance degradation of the diesel engine are mainly due to large amount of dust in the intake air and the quality of intake air depends on the air filter to a large extent. 柴油机气缸非正常磨损、功率下降、经济性能降低,主要是由于进气中含大量灰尘,而空气滤清器对进气质量起着关键作用。
The key of verification is that accurately controlling the power down time of SRAM in work and whether the security strategy working or not about handling the residual data. 验证的关键是在对工作中的SRAM进行精确时间控制的模拟掉电,并验证安全策略是否起作用,对残留数据是否进行了处理。
The LD end-pumped high power solid-state lasers leads to a thermal effects which can seriously reduce the performance of the whole laser system, such as decreasing the utilization of electrical energy 、 making the laser power down and leading the cavity into a unstable state. 针对LD端面泵浦大功率固体激光器中产生的热效应会严重影响到整个激光器系统的性能,使其能量利用率降低,输出光功率和质量下降、谐振腔不稳定等问题。